With its recent judgment in the case López Ribalda and Others v. Spain, published on 9 January 2018, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that employers have to notify [...]
On 25 June 2015 an Italian Government decree made substantial changes to the provisions governing the many types of working relationships in the Italian legal system. The changes create a [...]
With decision May, 22nd 2014 (Case C- 539-12), the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that, in the event that an employee remuneration is composed by a [...]
According to a recent decision of the Corte dei Conti of Tuscany, No 139/2014, when an employee is often absent from work without a justifying reason, not only the employee [...]
According to the decision No 18678/2014 of the Italian Supreme Court, it has to be considered lawful the dismissal of an employee who reiterated illness related absences, even if they [...]
Recent legislation has removed the need to have a specific reason (be it technical, organizational, production-related or substitutive) for hiring employees under fixed-term contracts.
Following the entry into force of the [...]
The Italian Supreme Court* has rejected an employer’s appeal and determined that the dismissal of its employee because of the expiration of her protected sickness period was unfair. This is [...]
The Italian Employment Law Reform came into force in the summer of 2012. We revisit the major provisions.
Amongst the many changes introduced, the Reform substantially changed the provisions for protection [...]
On 19 January 2012 ABI (Italian Banking Association) and the Trade Unions signed the renewal agreement(hereinafter also the “Agreement”) of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for the employees of the [...]
According to the decision No 1403 issued on 31 January 2012 the Italian Supreme Court confirmed the following principle: an employee who seriously breaches his employment contract in a way [...]
"Ferrario Provenzali Nicodemi & Partners" among Europe's top Labor Law firms, according to the prestigious Chambers ranking
“Ferrario Provenzali Nicodemi & Partners" has won LegalCommunity's “law firm of the year 2024” award for Employment Law consultancy
Footage from hidden cameras used as evidence in court proceedings regarding dismissals
Employees Entitled to Full Variable Compensation in Cases of Unclear Targets
Italian Supreme Court Rules that Executives Must be Reinstated in Cases of Unfair Dismissal